Nigerian Union Gauteng is a voluntary organization open to all Nigerian nationals resident in Gauteng, irrespective of profession, status, or class. The Union is open to legitimate spouses and children of Nigerians living in Gauteng.
The main goal is to build a thriving community that promotes, supports, and caters to each other to grow positively. We represent the collective interests of our members living in Gauteng.
The purpose of the Association is to fully integrate self-esteem, unity, and dignity into the fabric of the Nigerian Community in South Africa; so that every individual, no matter their age or background, experiences, and personal worth, will be protected, safe and happy.
Being a member will help open up lots of opportunities. It will help members grow their careers and businesses by exposing them to the world. It will guarantee members a family away from home and an opportunity for mentorship and guidance from more experienced members. For every opportunity that presents itself, our members are a priority.